Providing independent business systems advice to media/design/publishing companies

Sector - Media/Design/Publishing




Microguide has demonstrable experience across the media and design spectrum from design consultancies, Film and TV to advertising and marketing services to publishing.

The media industry has changed beyond recognition during the last 10 years. The advent of multi-media formats and multiple delivery methods has raised both opportunities and threats. These issues have meant that innovate software solutions have had to be developed to keep up with the changing face of the the industry.

A further complication is the preferred underlying hardware and operating infrastructure for the creative side of the industry - which in most cases is based on hardware from Apple. The result being a headache for the IT department who has to provide support.

By implementing sector specific software solutions, media, design and publishing companies can:

  • accurately generate estimates and quotes

  • obtain more control and manage the status of multiple projects

  • improve visibility and interpretation of work in progress

  • improve communication with suppliers and customers

  • provide regular and up to date financial analysis

  • automate and streamline business processes and improve efficiency.









Major magazine publisher - concluded on the most appropriate infrastructure for PC support.

Conference organiser - defined IT strategy and systems definition

TV programme production company - reviewed IT infrastructure and recommended improvements.

Publisher - identification of membership and subscription software.

Contact Details:

Microguide Corporate Computer Consultants, 82 Shortlands Road, Kingston-upon-Thames, KT2 6HE

Tel: 020 8549 7152

Fax: 020 8549 8112

ã2007 Microguide. All rights reserved.